Hi all,

the European Commission has postponed the white paper on copyright, but has released the review of the consultation answers today. [1]

We had originally planned to bring out a position paper as a response to the white paper. Due to latest events (it was postponed and there are competing positions within the Commission) we now think it might be best to make ourselves heard ahead of its publishing, so the Commission has a chance to incorporate our concerns in it.

Therefore we would like to request your comments and edits on a draft position paper we would like the Free Knowledge Advocacy Group EU and all interested chapters/organisations/individuals to sign. It can be found on Meta-Wiki:

The basic idea is to support those within the institutions who are defending positions in line with our goals of EU-wide Freedom of Panorama and public domain for government works. We also want to make sure there is no talk about copyright term extensions.

In light of latest developments here in Brussels, we would like to wrap this up during Wikimania in London. We would therefore ideally aim to have all comments and edits by the 29th of July, so we can ask the chapter boards to approve and sign it.

Let me know if you're unhappy about the process or have any other questions.

