Hi Dimitar, thanks for your great effort!

I am pretty sure that many people on the list feel the urgency of joining forces in order to prevent new EU-directives which aim towards new protecting rights (like in the case of musical recordings) or hamper the incentives for free re-usage of cultural goods (like in the case of orphan works). It's necessary to professionalize the way how we address our concerns, if we want to make a difference in Bruxelles.

> I will until January try to come up with a set of ideas/proposals/demands,
> that can hopefully be discussed in the Wikimedia movement (especially the
> European chapters)

I'll be glad to contribute. Maybe we should also think about a RL meeting for all Wikipedians/Wikimedians who like to be part of the process.

> I believe after ACTA blew up the Commission will be much more willing to listen and cooperate.

This optimistic stance ist also shared by EDRI. On the other hand, these folks (together with "La Quadrature Du Net") are curently the only "progressive" voices getting heard. Therefore we should also think about the best way to have a real impact against the armada of professional lobbyists paid by the copyright industries.

Best, Jan

Jan Engelmann
Leiter Politik & Gesellschaft
Wikimedia Deutschland e.V.
Obentrautstr. 72
10963 Berlin

Telefon 030 - 219 158 26-0

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