Dear all,
Congratulations on almost making it to the end of the week! This email contains three useful resources related to copyright reform, legal trends that concern our movement, and how to register for an exciting digital policy conference (remote attendance). Grab your beverage of choice and enjoy clicking through these resources...
What legal trends are relevant to the Wikimedia Movement?
Wikimedia has a lot to contribute to digital policy and internet governance discussions beyond Copyright. Our Associate General Counsel, Jacob Rogers, just published a great essay on the trends he's observed in his tenure at Wikimedia and what they mean for us going forward. Read the
full essay, or
synopsis on Diff.
Let's Connect clinics on Copyright Reform
Peer learning clinics on Copyright Reform have now concluded. Members from Wikimedia Colombia, Italy, Sweden and Indonesia shared their unique experiences advocating for copyright reform - what worked, what
really did not, and why they've continued to be active on public policy advocacy on topics far beyond copyright. You can access the video recordings and slide decks on the
Let's Connect page.
Additional resources that were popular during these sessions, like how to describe the Wikimedia Model or access Copyright campaign examples can be found on our
Resource Center. Courses on copyright reform can be found under "Copyright" on our "
Documentation" tab.
Register for the Digital Rights and Inclusion Forum (DRIF)
DRIF is taking place from April 23-25th in Accra, Ghana. This is a major regional forum in which digital policies and internet governance in Africa are debated and shaped, and we're showing up big with four sessions. W
ikimedians will be representing the valuable insights our movement has to share on the conference theme of "fostering rights and inclusion in the digital age." Registration is now open. We hope you'll attend virtually for one or all of these sessions: Faire résonner les voix : l'inclusion des Femmes ouest africaines dans lesProjets Wikimedia
Connect the Unconnected: Strengthening Women’s Access to Rural Broadband Connectivity in Africa
An Internet for and by the people: What we gain when we treat the internet as a shared public good
Fostering Trust Online in the Year of Democracy: Lessons on Combating Disinformation on Wikipedia
Have a wonderful end to your week and even better weekend,

| Franziska Putz (she/her) Senior Movement Advocacy Manager Global Advocacy, Wikimedia Foundation UTC Timezone |