Apologies for any cross-posts, but anyone in Europe, and Brussels specifically, with an interest in OER and public policy might find this interesting...
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From: Alek Tarkowski <atarkowski@centrumcyfrowe.pl>
Date: Wednesday, 11 November 2015
Subject: [OER-advocacy] policy debate and OER, copyright and education in the European Parliament on Nov 17
Dear all,
I am writing to inform you about a breakfast policy debate on copyright and education, which I am organising (on behalf of Centrum Cyfrowe and Communia, the European Association on the Digital Public Domain) with Michał Boni (a Polish member of the EuroParliament from the EPP Group) on the 17 November, in the European Parliament in Brussels
If you are in Brussels next week, please join us. I will also be grateful if you could forward this message to any contacts that you have in Brussels, who might be interested in this event.
Freedom to use educational resources in teaching is a fundamental issue in education. It can be ensured either by copyright rules or through sharing of Open Educational Resources (OER). The EC Communication on the modernisation of copyright rules has defined educational exceptions as an issue that requires action in the European reform planned for 2016. Also this month, OECD is publishing a new report on “Open Educational Resources. A Catalyst for Innovation”.
The goal of our meeting is to highlight and discuss these two approaches. They are usually considered separately - I believe that in Europe, taking into account both the “Opening up Education” initiative and plans to reform copyright, it is important to formulate a strategy and recommendations for user rights in education that encompasses these two issues.
The debate will take place on the 17 November at 8.00-9.30 in one of the MEP Private Salons. We would be honoured to have you as a participant. I hope that issues related to education, including open education and the effects copyright has on educators will be of interest to you. You can RSVP to Anna Stokowska (
Alek Tarkowski
dyrektor, Centrum Cyfrowe Projekt: Polska
Twitter: @atarkowski