my first repsonse to Erics text:
a lot of words, a lot of "believing in this & that", some emotional storytelling - but nothing on the simple fact that any zero-rating is a clear violation of net neutrality.
So, is this supposed to be the opening of a discussion? For me this text doesn't sound like that any discussion with an open result is possible or even welcomed.
This text is in clear contradiction to the recent statement of EFF. So is the Foundation willingly trying to violate one of the basic principles of an open web just to be part of the Facebook Zero, Google Zero, Coke Zero - Group? Is the foundation really that naive to not see that this way it becomes part of the marketing machine of access providers to deteriorate user habits?
So, as a net neutrality advocate somebody has to ask him-/herself if he/she really wants to participate in a discussion which result is already determined. What is EFF saying to this clear violation of net neutrality by WMF?
best regards
Jens Best