
As I just got the idea while writing to FreeOurKnowledge, I quickly forward my interrogations.
I'd be curious to ear wikimedians on this idea : a review on science making and disseminating through a SMW analysing journals and initiatives (developed below).
Would wikimedia host such a project (OA group supporting it on META) ?
How many researchers on the OA list ? (any with the specialties mentioned?)
Chris (or anyone behind OpenMod's list) ? Any experience to share related to ENIPEDIA/OpenMod to this idea of a "Semantic-Research-PEDIA" ?


Rudy Patard
06 38 02 53 12
[hal] {{u|RP87}} [peertube youtube]

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From: Rudy Patard <rudy.patard@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 16 Sept 2021 at 09:52
Subject: Re: [FreeOurKnowledge/website] Platinum Open Access Pledge (#5)
To: FreeOurKnowledge/website <reply+ADA7BNDKVFXUT6SLNUXPZKV7JY2GNEVBNHHCPC4QOA@reply.github.com>, <daaronr@gmail.com>
Cc: FreeOurKnowledge/website <website@noreply.github.com>, Mention <mention@noreply.github.com>

Hi David,
I quickly red your unjournal. From my "designer-engineer-researcher" view, I believe the reviewing process of existing initiative (your airtable), could gain a grid update/review. Assessment is the combination of observation and judgment. The current table is mixing the two. I believe it would be a gain to community to separate the two (and make the debate on "dimensions and numbers/scales open).

dimension and scales proposals
* writing (open from start / from protocol - before results etc. / to whom is it open ...)
* review (1 blind (b) / 2 b / 3b ; with blind waver ; continuous ; open to all ; rated reviews ; review as article)
* "quality / rating" (filtering VS labelling ; rating / ranking) (RQ possible 2bl dimension with "academia's social money")
* "academian social money" (career recognized [y/n] / [0 to 9]scale? / tenured-stats-based) (RQ : hugge work here as journal lists range with different institutions, disciplines AND it's an historical situated assessment, for instance JMLR history IF etc.)
* disseminating / access (closed - private / paywalled / open "at pearl stage" / pre-print open / continuously open / +  translations / +"vulgarization") [maybe 2 dimension here]
* economical support (private ; club - association - union ; socialized) [! different from économical purpose]* business [for profit / non-profit]
* licence (from Copyright to Copyleft with all the CC specific ; debate on ordoning virality)
* content (from article to full notes and data)
* readability (human / machine - readable)* discipline (all ; specialised [name])* localisation (region / nation [list])
* starting (is the problematics / research questions [from researcher / from private company / from a public organisation / from NGO / sampled on population interviews] [yeah more a research axis than 'journal' axis, but I tend to see the activity more than the 'journal' part ;)

For instance a 3D Economic support / Business / Access display may exposed how "public money" is used to what end (my guess : for profit club good _ paywalled articles_  and Gold OA).
(black box "classified" [private research ; socialized -> privatized] ; club good [paywalled or APC : capitalist  ; unionized] ; common goods [OA with ; unionized _ a union pays; socialized _ a 'nation' pays];)
Using starting point instead of access or business gives the "for who" is used the research money.
A 3D Review / Licence / Readability after filtering OA, would expose "priorities" followed by our communities (are these priorities altruist effective ?) ...

Making it an open research with a semantic mediawiki [probably an ontology or several to be re-used], could be quite useful as it's a massive work. (Funny thing, proposing it as a future article may attract attention and participation, but Where would it be published would probably divide volunteers ;) ok not a so funny thing). The "altruist team" (I let you forward David) ?

Making it an open dataset could enable different visualisation and understand the different dynamics at play. Reviewing this with a communities ("FOK pledgers" ; EA ; OA enthusiasts groups ?) we could add nationals / disciplines orientations (are there nations with more engaged scientific communities ; are there disciplines with experiences on these matters _ examples to follow and developp for instance BrainHack / JOSS / Liège-ORBI).

I've no idea how many are reading so XD
Team building needs : data-scientist with experience on SPARQL / SMW ; Ontologist-Math reviewer for the grid and coding data for assessment use ; scientific information and communication specialist ; research institution specialist ; a few tenured with hosting capacites for SMW, endpoint and triple stores* (multiple hosting please) ; tons of volunteers filling SMW forms on initiatives and journals ;)

PS: If we could avoid the hosting end that ENIPEDIA suffered...

Rudy Patard
06 38 02 53 12
[hal] {{u|RP87}} [peertube youtube]

On Wed, 15 Sept 2021 at 22:11, David Reinstein <notifications@github.com> wrote:

I'll try to do this even unconditionally, but co-authors and (?funders) may want the traditional publications on occasion .. thus I put a 20% threshold.

Sad truth is there seems to be nothing 'highly valued' in Economics that is in this category.

Ideally I'd like to find ways to get beyond the traditional 0/1 reject/accept static endpoint journal system (see my unjournal thoughts and discussion). I think these initiatives and pledges are helpful to this end.

Great initiative.

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