Hi Daniel,

thanks very much for sharing.
I am very interested to participate, especially in the development of an Encyclopaedia of original research.
Last year I have written a proposal for a very similar project on the development of a wiki like framework for science with a Github updating mechanism,  at the request of the Royal Dutch Library.
The project has been stalled for the better part of a year now because of reorganisation issues at the RDL, and I have been looking out for opportunities to use the ideas elsewhere.
I am more than willing to share the basic ideas that I have on this topic and to participate in an Encylopaedia project funded by the DFG.
Perhaps part(s) of the project can also be submitted for funding by the Royal Dutch Library.......
I will mention my interest in the WIKIscience doc



On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 4:43 PM, Daniel Mietchen <daniel.mietchen@googlemail.com> wrote:
Dear all,

an interesting call for proposals came out yesterday from the DFG
(German research foundation), calling for submissions around Open
Access and explicitly not limited to traditional forms of publishing,
which leaves the door open for exploring Open Data, Public peer
review, Open Notebook science or similar OA-related aspects of open

I plan to draft a submission in public via
and would be happy to see you chime in.



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Tom Olijhoek
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