Dear Andrew,


thanks for your quick response.

The archive as partner needs to be in such a sustainable environment that they can implement the project in their daily work:

It is about a virtual open-source space which will be established by the University. I would be responsible for the train the trainers and distribution part (capacity Building) and the archive should host it and lead it AFTERWARDS.

Finish based would be great!

I am definitely open for a talk between the two of us to hear more about your projects… I have a full calendar next week but a Zoom call after Nov 28 would be good. What do you think?





Von: andrew gryf paterson <>
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 17. November 2022 14:12
An: A list for people interested in open access, open data and open content in the cultural heritage sector. See for more info about this community. <>
Betreff: [Open-GLAM] Re: Cooperation request


hi Sylvia!

I am interested potentially.

However which organisational form are you looking for? Could be Finnish-based or Latvian based from my side.

I'll be happy & fine to call sometime nexrät week. 

my best regards


On Thu, 17 Nov 2022, 14:49 , <> wrote:

Dear All,


I am working on the first preparations for an EU funding. As a working group in Austria and a partnership with an Estonian enterprise and an Austrian University of Applied Sciences we are looking for a partner from the archival sector and NOT based in Austria.

Just for now: we developed a project for schools using the Data Spaces of Cultural Heritage for agile project management in schools (Children of age of 14-18) and we need an Archive to implement it, which can continue the project after der funding.


Anyone who is interested please contact me directly to sort out a partnership.


Thank you,





Mag. Sylvia Petrovic-Majer


: @sylviainpublic

: @openGLAMat


: telephone (AT): +43 (0) 6767808149

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