Hello everyone!

Another month, another monthly call! Our monthly call will take place on October 8th at 2 PM UTC. Make sure to check the time for your timezone, or let me know if you want me to send you a calendar invite. 

The agenda for this month is available here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y-ooRioOKMgLJo5s9IB-kDmmq5ZXUsiAPGRBzMMJ6KM/edit#heading=h.m6x0jvp3ren4

This time, we'll be using a new tool, and I'm hoping this will be our last change this year. We'll be using the same tool that the CC Global Summit is using, Hopin: https://hopin.to/events/open-glam-call. The only "downside" of the tool is that we need you to register beforehand so you can attend the session.

In this monthly call we'll be accompanied by:
- Josie Fraser, National Heritage Lottery Fund
- Susan Kung, University of Texas at Austin
- Alek Tarkowski & Ola Janus, Indices Project
- Ariadna Matas from Europeana & myself to talk about the CC Summit briefly

See the topics that they'll be sharing on the agenda, and if there's any topic you'd like to add or talk about, just let me know.

See you soon!