Dear Sadik


I received your invitation to the webinar Ethics of Open Sharing, but was on holiday last week.

Was this webinar recorded by any chance? In that case I am very much interested in viewing the webinar if possible?


Thank you!

Best regards

Liselotte Bertels


Liselotte Bertels | Administratief assistent - Beeld en Auteur

Stad Antwerpen | Talentontwikkeling en Vrijetijdsbeleving | Musea | Behoud Beheer

✉ Grote Markt 1, 2000 Antwerpen

gsm +32 497 53 51 69



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Van: Sadik Shahadu <>
Verzonden: zondag 9 april 2023 15:39
Onderwerp: [Open-GLAM] Webinar - Ethics of Open Sharing



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Webinar 14 April 3.00 pm – 4.30 pm UTC

Ethics of Open Sharing




Creative Commons and Wiki Loves Living Heritage invite our communities to advocate for open access to living heritage documentation.

Welcome and introduction

The working group for the Ethics of Open Sharing under Creative Commons' Open Culture Platform has identified some of the tricky ethical considerations regarding the opening up of cultural heritage. This webinar invites you to continue these conversations with wikimedians, living heritage experts, and Living Heritage experts and networks over the Wiki Loves Living Heritage campaign year of 2023.

· Creative Commons Open Culture Program and the working group on the Ethics of Open Sharing • Jocelyn Miyara, Creative Commons Open Culture Manager

· Ethical sharing in Wiki Loves Living Heritage • Jorijn Neyrinck and Susanna Ånäs


Panel discussion

The panel discusses the tension between copyright and traditional knowledge. In the online space, we need to have practices to meet the needs of both protecting and opening.

· Melissa Shaginoff • Alaska office of the Arctic Studies Center (Smithsonian)

· Shailili Zamora Aray • Centro de Documentación Indígena No'lhametwet

· Patricia Adjei • First Nations Arts and Culture director (Australia Council for the Arts)

· Mehtab Khan • Wikimedia Initiative on Intermediaries and Information (Yale Law School)

The panel is moderated by Jorijn Neyrinck, Workshop Intangible Heritage, Belgium

Ethical Sharing card deck

The Ethical Sharing card deck will be published at the event. It is based on the observations of the Ethics of Open Sharing working group that have been turned into a card game to encourage attendees to navigate the ethical considerations. The cards are an adaptation of the MOI playing cards, a project by NEMOThe Finnish Heritage Agency has supported the creation of the cards.

· Bart Magnus, Isaac Oloruntimilehin • Leads of the Creative Commons working group on the Ethics of Open Sharing

Interpretation in French, Portuguese, and Spanish will be provided.


Register here


Sadik Shahadu.