Hello everyone,

This email is to let everyone know that the recording for November call is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnfLCtBP-dM

In this call, Andrea Wallace did a very deep dive into the upcoming Declaration on Open Access to Cultural Heritage, and we also used some of the time to answer some of the questions that folks brought up and that were also brought up in other conferences, such as Europeana and MCN.

Our next call will be on December 10th. The link to the agenda is here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y-ooRioOKMgLJo5s9IB-kDmmq5ZXUsiAPGRBzMMJ6KM/edit# and this is the link to join the call directly: https://app.hopin.com/events/open-glam-monthly-call-698adfbd-cb30-470d-b705-3a20c006a8f5/sessions/bfc37009-6cb3-434e-b87a-e3aefb76e274

In this opportunity, we will be discussing "workplans for 2021". Several of us will be sharing what our plans for 2021 look like. This will be an open stage activity, so anyone who feels like sharing can come and see where communities could work together and be stronger together!
