Hi everyone, 

I'm pleased to announce the publication of our Open Culture Call to Action to Policymakers. 

Drafted by a small group of open culture advocates of the Creative Commons Copyright Platform and Open Culture Platform — Shanna Hollich (CC US), Emine Ozge Yildirim (KU Leuven), Maarten Zeinstra (CC Netherlands) and Brigitte Vézina (Director of Policy and Open Culture) — this resource: 
Huge thanks to all community members who participated in the workshop, in multiple conversations, and who engaged with the draft with input and suggestions. 

We’ll be presenting the publication at Open Nederland’s Public Domain Day 2023 on January 13, 2023, at the National Library of the Netherlands in The Hague. More information and registration for this hybrid event: https://publiekdomeindag.nl/.

We will also present it at various events in the coming months. 

Feel free to share with your networks and to get in touch if you'd like to get involved in translation, dissemination, or other open culture activities! 

Best wishes, 

Brigitte Vézina (she/her) | Director of Policy and Open Culture 
Creative Commons