Hello everyone!

Just a reminder that we will have our Monthly Call this Thursday, November 19th, at 2 PM UTC. Please check your timezone.

We'll be having it through Hopin. This is the link to register for the event: https://hopin.to/events/open-glam-monthly-call and this is the link for entering directly to the room: https://app.hopin.com/events/open-glam-monthly-call/sessions/73978a20-da49-4ab4-902a-8ea1c90c5752

We will be discussing the research paper for the Declaration on Open Access to Cultural Heritage, so we will only be having Dr. Andrea Wallace as the main speaker and then the idea is that the floor will be open for questions and discussions. We will also talk a bit about the feedback so far and try to answer some of the questions that have been brought up in different presentations. 

As usual, more info on the agenda here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y-ooRioOKMgLJo5s9IB-kDmmq5ZXUsiAPGRBzMMJ6KM/edit#

For the call happening in December we're thinking of having an open conversation about Copyright & Open GLAM plans for 2021. So if you belong to an organization that is in the middle of their work plan for 2021 and want to incorporate something around Open GLAM & share it with the community, just send me a message.

Have a nice day everyone!