Hello everyone,

I accidentally made a mistake when uploading the video to the call the first time. Here's the proper link for those of you who are still interested in listening/watching it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTz1gR0vlH4&feature=youtu.be

And remember that if you have any updates you'd like to share, don't hesitate to let me know!


El jue., 13 ago. 2020 a las 17:41, Evelin Heidel (<scannopolis@gmail.com>) escribió:
Hello everyone,

Here's the recording of our monthly call in case anyone is interested: https://youtu.be/ip7ITJgEqWU

We also took some notes on the agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y-ooRioOKMgLJo5s9IB-kDmmq5ZXUsiAPGRBzMMJ6KM/edit#

Following what Eleanor shared on the European Commission consultation on cultural digital heritage, it's important to have as many people as possible participating in that consultation, so here you can find more information on how to do it: https://pro.europeana.eu/post/european-commission-seeks-your-views-on-future-of-digital-and-culture

Thanks again to Brigitte, Medhavi, David & Eleanor for participating. You can find ways to contact them in the agenda if you're interested in the topics they shared and discussed.


El mar., 11 ago. 2020 a las 10:21, Evelin Heidel (<scannopolis@gmail.com>) escribió:
Hi everyone,

I wanted to let you know that we'll be holding our Open GLAM Monthly Call on Thursday, 10 AM EST - 4 PM CET. We'll be using this link to join: https://meet.google.com/ygf-uyim-ekr

This time, we have prepared a more structured agenda that you can find here:

We'll also be recording the meeting for future reference if people want to have access to it.

See you on Thursday!
