Hello everyone!

Are you getting ready for the GLAM Wiki: The Culture, Heritage and Wikimedia Conference? The Conference will take place in Montevideo, Uruguay, in November 16-18, 2023, in the School of Communication & Information Sciences of the University of the Republic of Uruguay.

We are looking to create a Program & Scholarship Committee, so we are inviting YOU to take part in helping us to draft the conference. If you are interested, you can apply through the form [1]. You can apply till April 23rd, end of your day.

Want to know more about the event? You can check our grant application [2] and our Launch Event [3], where we clarified some questions and doubts.

Looking forward to seeing you all in beautiful Uruguay.

[1] https://forms.gle/mbRvMqksJKnxYSyV9
[2] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:Programs/Wikimedia_Community_Fund/Conference_Fund/GLAM_Wiki:The_Culture,_Heritage_and_Wikimedia_Conference_2023
[3] https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/IRRfnhR7skybhdpCX13gbwWK9KkYH_-x-qG4YH-GcU8G6GEio4dY7TkN8UVSeJ0m.rY9Zmmr5H7Cgv3fn?startTime=1681405558000

Evelin Heidel
Encargada de Programas
Wikimedistas de Uruguay