Dear list members,

Sharing this survey related to a project where we applied generous interface principles to the open video collection of the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision:

MediaScape evaluates its generous interface prototype for online audiovisual collections
The past 12 months the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision has prototyped online collection interfaces that follow the principles of generous interfaces. This work has been done within the MediaScape research project, funded by the VOGIN fund.

Generous interfaces offer an alternative approach to the dominance of the search engine: Rich, browsable interfaces that reveal the scale and complexity of digital heritage collections.

Today we open a survey to evaluate our generous interface design for online audiovisual collections among various types of users. This survey is part of the lessons-learned we are gathering as part of the final report for the project.

We welcome everyone with an interest in access to online audiovisual collections to participate in this survey. This will provide them with an opportunity to learn about generous interfaces for online audiovisual collections, while MediaScape gathers insights on its prototype from the user perspective.

You can participate in the survey here: 

Our testing of the survey has shown that completing the survey will take approximately 20 minutes.

We extend our gratitude to everyone who takes the time to participate!

Philo van Kemenade & Maarten Brinkerink
MediaScape project team
Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision