Hola Mauricio,

I'm very afraid that we have certain areas in common.
Please check this link and let me know if we can help you with your research.


Responsable de Operaciones

El jue., 10 sept. 2020 a las 14:57, Mauricio Delfin (<delfin@solar.pe>) escribió:
Dear Open-GLAM community,

I hope this email finds you well and healthy. 

My name is Mauricio Delfin (http://mauriciodelfin.pe/) and I am a cultural manager and researcher from Peru. I am also the director of Solar (http://solar.pe/), a non-profit organization that promotes open government principles and practices in the cultural sectors of Latin America.

I have been a member of this list for quite some time, interested in eventually activating an Open-GLAM chapter in Peru. While I have not managed to do so yet, I am currently developing a report on open data use in the cultural sectors of Peru, with the support of the Latin America Open Data Initiative (ILDA). As part of this project, I want to map organizations and initiatives that promote the use of open data in the cultural sectors of the region. 

I was wondering if anyone in this list is aware of (1) an updated map or a database of Open-GLAM chapters or networks in Latin America, or of groups working with open data in the arts and cultural sectors, and/or (2) research initiatives concerning this subject and region of the world. 

While my work will not focus exclusively on Open-GLAM initiatives, I would like to mention this community in my report, and hopefully reach out to some of these projects in Latin America, as I try to learn about and connect with other civic projects and non-state organizations working with open data in the cultural sectors. 

Thank you in advance for any suggestions, recommendations or resources you may be able to share with me at this point. 


Mauricio Delfin
Director, Asociación Civil Solar

Open-GLAM mailing list