Dear friends and colleagues,


The Locating a National Collection project has been helping cultural heritage organisations to use location data — such as where objects were made and used or the places they depict and describe — to connect collections and engage the public. Funded as part of the Towards a National Collection programme, the project uses audience research and exploratory technical work to scope a UK-wide approach in using location to discover cultural heritage collections.


Registration is now open for our end-of-project webinar:

Locating a National Collection through Audience Research and Interface Design.

Wednesday 25 May, 14:00–15:30 BST via Teams.


Registration link:


The one and a half-hour webinar will feature presentations on public audience research, the role of location in school education and using Pelagios methods to map cultural heritage alongside demonstrations of the project’s Peripleo web-map software and tools.


Speakers will include:


Gethin Rees, Lead Curator, Digital Mapping, British Library

Stephen Gadd, Research Curator, British Library

Leif Isaksen, Director of Digital Humanities, University of Exeter

Alex Hunt, Head of Advocacy and Policy, National Trust

Anthony Musson, Head of Research, Historic Royal Palaces

Rainer Simon, Senior Scientist, Austrian Institute of Technology

This workshop is funded by UKRI’s Arts and Humanities Research Council.

For more details of the project please see


Please do pass this on to anyone who might be interested in attending.


Thanks for your interest and hope to see you there!






Dr Gethin Rees

Lead Curator, Digital Mapping

British Library