Dear Community Member,


It is awesome to still have you as a part of the OFWA family, is that time of the year again when we extend our gratitude to everyone for sticking with us throughout the year.

 We greatly appreciate your dedicated hours of service and loyalty to our community. We are proud of each one of you for never giving up and supporting us to the end of the year.   

We’d really love it if you share your experience with us. How do you feel about spending 1 minute of your time to help us improve our engagement with you? Here is the link to the Community Evaluation Survey:

Also, are you a registered member of our community? Have you been participating in our events without officially registering with us? For us to recognize you as a community member, kindly fill out the form using this link. Here is the link to the OFWA membership form: 


Also, are you aware of the OFWA membership tiers, the Active member's tier, and the Members tier) based on your contribution?? Take a sneak peek at our infographic that describes the OFWA Volunteer Journey. Here is the link to our membership Tier infographic:


Also, have you subscribed to our newsletter? Will you love to receive community updates? Take subscribe to the OFWA newsletterLink to newsletter subscription:


Lastly, have you joined our main WhatsApp groups? Get to interact with other community members and get more updates and information as well.

Join OFWA Main WhatsApp group here:


Have a wonderful month!

Ruby D-Brown  
Programs Officer
Open Foundation West Africa