Hey Christian,

On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 6:49 PM, "Christian Pühringer" <cip@gmx.at> wrote:

First thank you for the warm welcome, and sorry that I could not finish yet the work on the symbian article.

Basically, zimlib compiles properly for symbian. The only missing point, is that I have to put the project files and patch files described in the article (currently on my wiki-home http://openzim.org/User:Cip) somewhere.
While target should be to integrate them into the projects, for now I¨d suggest to put them into the zim repository.

Currently I am working on a QT-based app using zimlib. Main target is curently symbian 3rd FP1. However, binary should work on symbian 5th as well, I just cannot test it. Furthermore, it should be recompileable for other platforms supporting QT, like Maemo, but also Linux or Windows.
App is currently in the state of a functional prototype, but it is already useable.
I have not published Code/Binary of this app yet. I am planning to publish it in the near future, probably on sourceforge. For sure I´ll keep you updated.

This sounds really great! I tried developing a gtk based OpenZim app. The app itself is also almost usable but we have a few problems most notably that our main target is a non-touch-screen device and thus we need an alternative way to move the cursor :) No worries I am not trying to convert you to gtk, qt is the more elegant and appealing choice :)

Now, Our main OpenWrt intergrations person is in the process of porting QT to OpenWrt and should be finished within a week (I hope ;) ). I would be very interested in porting your app to OpenWrt as well if at all possible.

Is your app dependent on a cursor or touch screen ?
What are the specs of your main target in terms of RAM etc (we are somewhat limited in that as well)?
Do you have some screenshots of your app?

I am sure I could come up with many more questions but I'll leave it at that for now :)

Once again, great effort and really looking forward to seeing it in action!


Best regards,
Christian Pühringer

Emmanuel Engelhart <emmanuel@engelhart.org> hat am 15. März 2010 um 16:26 geschrieben:

> Hash: SHA1
> Manuel Schneider a écrit :
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I just checked the Recent Changes in our wiki and noted that we got a
> > new user[1], appearantly working on using zimlib on Symbian.
> >
> > Welcome cip at the openZIM project, your notes are really amazing. If
> > you could tell us more about your work or if you have any questions we
> > are happy to read from you on this list.
> :)))))
> Emmanuel
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
> 1QAAnjZ23+58mIVOX4EDslYe2maK+Mvx
> =fjwJ
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