Hello Offline Community -

I just wanted to direct your attention to the offline portal on the meta-wiki that is to be used to track all offline projects!  It can be found here: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Offline_Projects.  The goal is that this becomes the central place where all the offline materials and lessons learned will be codified and available for access.

There are a variety of ways to contribute to the site (which is certainly still WIP) - whether uploading guides, content, processes, contacts.  In particular, I wanted to solicit help in populating a map designed to capture where all the offline distributions have taken place. Right now we have little idea the full landscape of offline deployments, and it would be great to see this! 

A Google Map was set up to track these deployments [1].  There are a few examples already on it, but for each location we would basically want to include:
If you need help populating the map, please let me know, and I am happy to send instructions on how to do so.

Let me know what questions you have! And please do contribute to the wiki in whatever way you think is most valuable: reorganizing, uploading content, data, etc.


[1] http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=200444821566545185767.00049e894f5c32ec25b23&ll=36.315125,0.351563&spn=117.045492,346.289063&z=2
Jessie Wild
Special Projects Manager
Global Development
Wikimedia Foundation