Hi Emmanuel,

So far as I remember when we have defined the metadata we also defined that these attributes we have defined are also mandatory, while additional metadata (ideally also defined by dublin core) may be used.

Manuel Schneider

Sent via mobile phone (+49 170 7740589).

----- Reply message -----
Von: emmanuel@engelhart.org
An: <dev-l@openzim.org>
Betreff: [openZIM dev-l] Make Metadatas mandatory?
Datum: Do., Jun. 16, 2011 12:38


With the multiplication of ZIM files and ZIM editors we need ways to
build overviews.
Without the metadatas they are not easy way to build these overviews
(You have to do it by hand every time).
This is waht I learned by coding the content manager of Kiwix which
works now.

So I think, having ZIM files with metadatas is essential, maybe even
I think we have to push the usage of these metadatas (title,
description, creation date, creator, favicon, language) and I see 3

(1) Make these informations mandatory
(2) Make a recommendation but nothing blocking
(3) Do nothing and be optimistic

What would be your preferred approach?

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