Dear friends of Offline

I received this email today (it would have been lovely to be given a LITTLE BIT more head up).

To make it short (if you are not interested in reading what is below), there is a call for question to ask for the candidates to the board of Trustees.
I was invited to a private forum, where I can post questions asked by UG members. Then up or down vote questions. Deadline for submission and vote is June 17

So... if you have any question you would like to propose to ask to the candidates to answer, please send them now (either to the list, or to me privately)



-------- Message transféré --------
Sujet : Ask questions for the 2022 Board candidates to answer
Date : Fri, 10 Jun 2022 21:56:53 +0300
De : Mervat Salman <>
Pour :
Copie à : Tila Cappelletto (WMF) <>

Dear Representative of Wikimedians for Offline Wikis,

I am reaching out to you as you have been nominated to represent your affiliate in the Board of Trustees election voting. Affiliates have the opportunity to ask questions to the Board candidates. The process has now been decided by the Board Selection Task Force and Elections Committee.

The process will use the new Movement Strategy Forum, based on the open-source platform Discourse. The great thing about Discourse is messages can be automatically translated by users into their preferred language. In a separate email, we are sending you an invitation to join a private category on the MS Forum. In this private space, all affiliate representatives can propose questions and vote on them easily. You will use your Wikimedia account to log in, there is no need to create a new account and password.

You will propose questions in this category. Then everyone will vote on questions you would like the candidates to answer. The top 15 questions will be selected. Candidates will have 3 days to post their answers in the same private space. After these 3 days, the category will become public and everyone will be welcome to read the candidates’ answers. 

If you prefer not to join this process to propose questions on the Forum, you can send us your questions via email. If you want to vote on questions, then we kindly ask you to log in to have all the votes in one place.

Here are the dates to remember:

  • June 10 - 17: Deadline to propose questions and vote on the questions

  • June 18 - 21: Candidates answer questions

  • June 22: Answers to questions are made public

The Elections Committee will oversee the process, supported by the Movement Strategy and Governance team. MSG will check that the questions are clear, there are no duplicates, no typos, etc. In the same private category there will be a place to inform you about these changes, and also to help you with technical matters if needed.

If you have any questions or concerns about this process, please write back to me.


Mervat Salman (She/Her)

Movement Strategy and Governance Facilitator