A stab at these questions:

On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 4:12 PM, Samuel Klein <meta.sj@gmail.com> wrote:
Is there a list of ZIM collections people have made?  Or some standard
way to name a collection on Wikipedia so that it can be found by
others? The page for publishing these on openzim is empty.

This sort of search & discovery is exactly the type of thing that would be great to have. The Offline Projects page has a very small library of links, and then links up to the Kiwix homepage which has the big language openZIM dumps. You could download any of the books within the PediaPress Book Creator space too:
* http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Offline_Projects/Library
* http://www.kiwix.org/index.php/Main_Page#Wikipedia_files
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Wikipedia_books_%28community_books%29

There is some search & discovery work going on via kiwix: http://www.kiwix.org/index.php/WMF_UX_Improvement_Effort  (see the mysterious #XX in the 2nd phase :)), but this would be a library navigable via Kiwix.

Some developers in Boston are working on an offline wikiwriter and I
wonder about the best place to post resulting collections.

 I'd propose: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Offline_Projects/Library/OpenZIM_Content_Library

Also, is there any current effort to make an online interface to
create an offline snapshot, and export it in various formats?

Sorry just so I understand: do you mean as is offered via the PediaPress book creator on Wikipedia? Where you can select articles or a book collection and download it as openZIM, PDF, ODT?
Hope this helps some -

Jessie Wild
Global Development, Manager
Wikimedia Foundation