On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 2:33 PM, Tomasz Finc <tfinc@wikimedia.org> wrote:
CC'ing Herman Wong from Nitobi who's helping develop an Android
version of the Wikimedia iOS app. I'll be sending an email with more
detail on that later this week.

Herman, Christian is looking to write a plug in to implement a simpler
reader for the  http://openzim.org/ standard.

As I understand, for Android this will roughly require:
* get zimreader-java classes running under Android+Darwin <http://svn.openzim.org/viewvc.cgi/trunk/zimreader-java/>
* build an Android PhoneGap Java plugin wrapping it <http://wiki.phonegap.com/w/page/36753494/How%20to%20Create%20a%20PhoneGap%20Plugin%20for%20Android>

iPhone/iPad will require:
* build C++ zimlib and its dependencies for iOS (cross-compiling from Mac OS X)
* build an Obj-C iOS a PhoneGap plugin wrapping it <http://wiki.phonegap.com/w/page/36753496/How%20to%20Create%20a%20PhoneGap%20Plugin%20for%20iOS>

I suspect the Android one will be easier, but you never know. ;)

The Java bits ... may also be adaptable to BlackBerry: http://wiki.phonegap.com/w/page/35799737/How-To-Create-a-PhoneGap-Plugin-for-BlackBerry-WebWorks

No other platform seems to have PhoneGap plugin documentation that I can find.

Alternately, different code could be written to implement the file format reader directly in the PhoneGap plugins if that ends up easier than porting the other libraries; the most performance-critical part is probably the LZMA decompression, which could be a smaller more isolated library.


-- brion