I think having an offline reader for J2ME based phones is very useful. They cover a large share of the market in developing/emerging markets, for example, here in India. I did manage to build such a reader, but could not use ZIM files due to the limited memory on such feature phones and instead, had to make do with a custom file format [containing both images + text]. 

On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 1:50 AM, Tommi Mäkitalo <tommi@tntnet.org> wrote:
Am 17.04.2012 14:02, schrieb Manuel Schneider:

Oh, I wasn't aware that zimreader-java is already in production!

Thanks for that, I am going to install that app immediately.


Am 17.04.2012 13:38, schrieb Arunesh Mathur:
Me too. I supported the development of the java port and it is nice to hear, that it was successful. Thank you. Great work!


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- Arunesh Mathur