Hi guys,

We are trying to assess how many images are stored locally on Wikimedia sites, rather than hosted on Commons. We also want to better understand what templates they are using for their metadata.

Does anyone know where we could find reliable statistics and links for these non-Commons files?

We would like to check how well they work with Media Viewer, as well as get a sense of scope. 

If they use the same templates and data structure as Commons, they should display well in Media Viewer. But if they use different templates, these would need to be modified for their meta-data to appear in Media Viewer.

Last time we checked, there were over 800k image files hosted on English Wikipedia alone, so this could be a significant number, which may require some advance work to get them ready for Media Viewer.

Gergo is preparing a document to address the template issue, which he can share with us when it’s ready.




Fabrice Florin
Product Manager
Wikimedia Foundation