On Thu, Oct 09, 2014 at 09:54:32AM +0200, Pau Giner wrote:
- The disabled version of the dialog should have an indicator of the
disabled status (more details are available on the design notes of #836 https://wikimedia.mingle.thoughtworks.com/projects/multimedia/cards/836). In our testing sessions that helped users to immediately identify the current status.
- Buttons at the bottom of the dialog should use mw-ui classes
https://tools.wmflabs.org/styleguide/desktop/section-2.html (that will add details such as border radius and styling for hover/active states). They are also placed next to each other which should not be the case (that may be solved when applying the mw-ui classes).
- For the green confirmation dialog, the bottom shadow should be dark
green (#00634E).
- In general the logic of clicking outside to close the dialog and
confirmation popups, works quite well. However, when a confirmation dialog is open, and the user clicks on the cog again, the settings panel should be opened (in addition to closing the confirmation popup as we currently do).
Deploying to alpha now.