On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 1:42 AM, Gilles Dubuc <gilles@wikimedia.org> wrote:
This is yet another argument against OOjs UI, which has caused us so many problems. But now isn't the time to back out of it, we have to stick with it for the launch period.

On that note, UploadWizard is now apparently being rewritten to use OOjs UI. I think that could use more discussion, or it might end up being a wasted effort...

Moment is also questionable, considering how little functionality it provides (couldn't it be replaced by more server-side processing of dates?).

Yeah, that's something we should do. Moment is huge and it is mostly about date arithmetics which we don't use at all.
I guess an alternative is to start preloading Media Viewer's JS and CSS when the mouse cursor gets near thumbnails. What do you think of that? Doesn't solve the problem for touch screens, but the benefit for desktop would be tangible.

Definitely worth trying. We really need to start tracking click-to-display times though, our current request performance oriented statistics tell us nothing about how much improvement such an approach would mean.