2014-11-05 23:24 GMT+01:00 James Forrester <jforrester@wikimedia.org>:

Moving the play button around, is much more an option. Again, I don't think adding more cruft is a good idea, but e.g. bottom-left without a timeslider, like BBC News does it, is also an option: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-29919793

This one was really nice. Moving it down to the corner makes it worth while chosing a meaningful thumbtime for the video, giving the viewer a hint of what the video is about so that a more informed decision whether or not to start it can be made. Totally obvious it is a video, and hardly no clutter at all. This might be a winner, considering the thumbnails are fairly small in our projects, comparing to embeds of Youtube which seldom is smaller than 400 pixels wide.