The error means one or more modules is in error state.

This usually means the ResourceLoader module was incorrectly configured.

Looking into this one, one of the files is missing or couldn't be found.
* View mw-debug-www.log.gz

(or use your own debug.log from MediaWiki[1])

[resourceloader] ResourceLoader::makeModuleResponse: generating module package failed: exception 'MWException' with message 'ResourceLoaderFileModule::readScriptFiles: script file not found: "/srv/ssd/jenkins-slave/workspace/mwext-MultimediaViewer-qunit/extensions/MultimediaViewer/resources/mmv/mmv.Logger.js"' in /srv/ssd/jenkins-slave/workspace/mwext-MultimediaViewer-qunit/includes/resourceloader/ResourceLoaderFileModule.php:673

— Krinkle


On 20 May 2014, at 14:05, Gilles Dubuc <> wrote:

That changeset's parent is the latest master commit, so it's probably not an issue of automerge. The error comes from ResourceLoader when trying to load the dependencies for the tests.

I can't reproduce the error locally, neither on Firefox nor Chrome. It's hard to guess where the error is coming from, as the change is quite large.

Any idea what I could do to resolve the issue? Is there a simple way to reproduce Jenkin's setup locally?
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