Good idea, Gilles!

I just created a ticket for that data collection:

This will help us prioritize where to focus our efforts in this space.

Another thing we could do is to provide more helpful error messages for unsupported file formats, so we can help users figure out how to transcode their files into supported formats.

But let’s first identify the file formats people try to upload the most, then we can prioritize the error message improvements.

Sam, thanks for clarifying the use cases that cause problems for you, that is really helpful!


On Sep 26, 2014, at 7:13 AM, Gilles Dubuc <> wrote:

On that note, it would be good to collect which unsupported extensions people are trying to upload. Statistics about that would tell us what new format support would have the biggest impact.

On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 11:25 PM, Samuel Klein <> wrote:
On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 10:35 AM, Gergo Tisza <> wrote:

> a dashboard is available now:

Very nice.

> The situation haven't changed since June: upload attempts
> fail with an embarrassingly high frequency

I would guess a lot of this is due to "DOES NOT ACCEPT FILENAMES THAT
END IN <foo>".  This blocks many of my uploads (spreadsheets, bio
molecules, map routes, 3D images).  Others I try to upload in a
not-accepted format (e.g., odf, epub) before going and transcoding

IMO we should accept all free-format files on upload, even if after
acceptance we notify the uploader that they are held in a quarantine
area for sanitizing/processing.  If that is too hard, we could create
a stub page on upload that points to an Internet Archive page where
their file has been uploaded.  Either would feel like partial success
in using the upload form.


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Fabrice Florin
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