Hi ops,

Has the swift capacity been increased yet thanks to the new hardware? If so, could we resume the discussion of "pre"generating specific thumbnail sizes at upload time?

Media Viewer could benefit greatly from this performance-wise. As seen on this graph, the launch to all wikis affected the average considerably, since users started hitting a lot of images that didn't have Media Viewer-sized thumbnails yet: http://multimedia-metrics.wmflabs.org/dashboards/mmv#overall_network_performance-graphs-tab

Thumbnailing improvements are still in the works on our end, and the idea of not using swift anymore for those is definitely on the team's radar (we've started working on more modest thumbnailing improvements at this point), but if the capacity is there, we might as well improve the average image load time for our users, even if the ever-increasing swift use for thumbnail is still a problem itself.

On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 11:16 AM, Gilles Dubuc <gilles@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Hi all,

Do you guys have a rough estimate of when the new swift capacity will be installed?

Now that we're in the process of Media Viewer's launch to all users on pilot sites, the question of when we'll be able to prerender thumbnails at desired bucket sizes has come up again.