Showing a warning and making the user explicitly chose is one option to explore, but it has some potential drawbacks:
An alternative behaviour I was considering for huge files, is to load a "large" version of it (not the original huge one) and indicate so while the image is loading ("due to its big size, a scaled version of the file will be loaded instead. You can access the download icon to get or display the original file."). In this way, most users that are interested in just viewing some more details will be able to do so just by clicking, and those specifically interested on displaying huge images will do that in an explicit and more informed way (file size is shown in the download panel) and with a "download" option (less likely to break crash their browser) next to the "view in browser" one.

In any case, a notion of when a file is considered huge, and whether we should estimate that on resolution or file size will be very useful for whichever approach we choose.


On Thu, Oct 2, 2014 at 6:56 AM, Brian Wolff <> wrote:
> Do any of you have data on what the threshold might be for identifying file
> sizes that might crash your browser? Or do you know what best practices are
> on that point? It would be good if we could agree on a limit that is at
> least partly informed by data.

I imagine its less about file size, and more about number of pixels
(or uncompressed file size) says 50 MP, but
that seems small to me. Do we know what causes browser crashes for
large images - is it simply running out of RAM causing the browser to
swap all over the place and be slow or are there other issues at play.
(Based on back of the napkin calculations, 50 MP = very roughly 280 MB
ram. )

> If there is no reliable data or best practices, we might have to determine
> this threshold together arbitrarily, based on common sense. In that case,
> what do you think would be a reasonable threshold when we would start giving
> the warning? 50Mb or above? 100Mb or above?

Keep in mind its not just crashing the browser. Accidentally
downloading a gigabyte (or whatever) of data without meaning to is
often a bad thing. Particularly for people on metered internet.

If I was to pick numbers out of a hat, I'd start warning maybe at
images > 50 MB, or > 75 MP, but that's chosen rather arbitrarily


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Pau Giner
Interaction Designer
Wikimedia Foundation