Fabrice Florin, 15/03/2014 00:13:
We would appreciate your advice on our upcoming research study of image
load times on Media Viewer. [...]
*I. Goals*
The goal of this study is to determine whether or not Media Viewer is
loading images fast enough for the majority of our users in most common
As a typical user of the Media Viewer, I want images to load quickly, in
just a few seconds, so I don't have to wait a long time to see them. [...]
Definitions: [...]
*II. Questions* [...]
*III. Outcomes* [...]
I'm confused. Too many questions, too many arbitrary definitions, axioms. No falsifiability. I understand the idea of defining a minimum quality standard to respect, it might even be the only way, but it's a thicket that moreover only indirectly verifies what we're actually interested in.
At its root is simple, we need to know if readers enjoy the images/media more or get annoyed and don't look at them because they're too slow. (Measuring the value they get from the media, or attach to the page in consequence hence becoming more likely to visit the project more, is less clearcut.) So maybe there is some simple check for this, if surveys don't work maybe just the total number of requests or something.