Hi Mark,
Good job. Here is a list of some small design details to consider (some of those you may be already be aware of):
- The disabled version of the dialog should have an indicator of the disabled status (more details are available on the design notes of #836). In our testing sessions that helped users to immediately identify the current status.
- Buttons at the bottom of the dialog should use mw-ui classes (that will add details such as border radius and styling for hover/active states). They are also placed next to each other which should not be the case (that may be solved when applying the mw-ui classes).
- For the green confirmation dialog, the bottom shadow should be dark green (#00634E).
- In general the logic of clicking outside to close the dialog and confirmation popups, works quite well. However, when a confirmation dialog is open, and the user clicks on the cog again, the settings panel should be opened (in addition to closing the confirmation popup as we currently do).