Hi folks,
Thanks for your good feedback on Gergo’s proposal to discuss day-to-day details of the multimedia team's work on this list.
From what we’ve heard so far, it sounds like people are generally open to this idea, so we’d like to try this out for now.
We can reconvene in a few weeks to see how everyone likes it. If we’re all happy with this, it will save us the trouble of starting another list. If it’s too much information for some folks, we could move some of the more detailed technical discussions to another list.
Overall, this is good timing for increasing activity on this multimedia list, as we prepare to a wider release of Media Viewer and our team is now fully staffed. (We didn't use this list as much in recent months because we were still staffing up and our products were in early stages of development, with lots of known bugs.)
Now that we are up to speed as a team, we look forward to discussing our work with you more, and getting more feedback from community partners at each step of the way.
Keep in mind that some of our emails may be pretty trivial and will often not deserve a response. And we may not always be able to engage in extended discussions about every small feature, so we can save our scarce development time for getting the actual work done :) But even if we can’t respond to everything, everyone will have higher visibility into our work, and this will enable us to have more productive conversations during IRC chats, so we can focus on core issues, rather than getting everyone caught up.
I will post an update about Media Viewer tomorrow, to give everyone a sense of our progress so far and next steps for this product. In the meantime, you are welcome to scan the log of Friday’s IRC chat to get a general idea of our current course. (1)