Hi Harel,

we have discussed that too in our IRC meeting (at least in the first one) and I think there was at least in that one general agreement that we should try to get a discussion session on the schedule.
Personal opinion:
A discussion for 45 minute - 1 hour would probably be great, where we could discuss some kind of a draft (assuming that would be ready) or otherwise we could even discuss a specific part. I think it would be very helpful to give people insight on what it all means and where it goes. 

Also it would be very helpful to schedule time for it during the chapters meeting just before that. If that would be the case, the session on Wikimania could be more focused towards the editing community and the non-chapter groups to explain the impact and consequences and answer any questions. 



2011/6/6 Harel Cain <harel.cain@gmail.com>
Hi all,

I've been a rather dormant participant in MR till now, and I'm afraid until after Wikimania is over that will not really change :(

As the program chair for Wikimania 2011, I wanted to tell you we're now drafting a first schedule out of the 200 submissions we have for Wikimania. I think not a single one of them really focuses on the movement roles process and aims to clearly present it to the wider community.

It's not too late to fix that.

What do you suggest?

Harel Cain
Wikimania 2011 local team

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