2011/2/18 Lodewijk
Although it is wonderful material, considering the large amount of people that will not be there I would welcome it if there could be more people participating now as well on the mailing list.
Since I won't be on the IRC chat today I'll add in my comments on the matrix tonight.
So, basically two requests:
1) could someone who has a definite time commitment (I'm looking at Jon and/or Austin here) keep watch over the agenda, action points and time frame?
2) could we all please *let it know* when we're not able to do something we're supposed to do? I know everybody has a day job, but if we know that you dont have time, then someone can take over.
+1. Need reminders/pushing at this stage if we are to make our deadlines.
Since we are behind schedule, can the commitments/things to do before Berlin also be re-looked at on the IRC chat - with revised deadlines if needed?