
FIrst of all,

please - stop calling it "Erik's session" :) Sessions don't belong to people. Erik merely suggested it, he doesn't own the topic or anything, nor does he (imho) have a veto over it. (not because he's Erik, but that is a principle :P )

Last friday we also discussed it, and asked Bence to try and fit the session in a wider context - I believe he would be trying to do that. But thanks for suggesting, it means that I clearly am not the only one to think of it :) 
I don't see problems with the two sessions being at the same moment btw. They involve different kind of people - GLAM is more practical, this is more discussion-like. 


2011/3/16 Alice Wiegand <me.lyzzy@googlemail.com>
Hi all,

On 14 March 2011 13:38, Austin Hair <adhair@gmail.com> wrote:

> As discussed at Friday's IRC meeting[0], I've started a template
> page[1] to help organize our work for meeting on the 24th. I know that
> most (if not all) of you have already made travel arrangements, so at
> the very least, I'd appreciate it if you could update the table with
> your attendance and dates. If you want to really make me happy, you
> can help flesh out the items already listed and/or add some of your
> own.

thinking about topics for working groups I realized that the schedule
on Saturday (after the workiing groups) privides a session
"Accountability and Legitimacy". The session, which was suggested by
Erik, takes place parallel to the GLAM-session and I believe both will
be attractive for chapters. GLAM becaus it is GLAM and "Erik's
session" because it picks up daily problems of chapters. Many mails on
the chapters' or internal mailing list and talks with chapter people
show that there are lots of questions about that. And compared to
movement roles issues this might be a topic which is very concrete to
many chapters. And this might be important because it makes this
session much more sexy than any of our working groups.

Accountability and legitimacy is an issue for movement roles as well,
maybe more abstract and more global. It would be fatal to step into
some kind of competition or even rivalry to this session. I would love
to see us getting the best out of both, but I doubt that movement
roles really rock the chapters. And therefore it sounds easy to
combine both approaches but I am pretty sure it isn't. Asking myself
how to realize it I have these ideas:

* ask Erik about the session's composition and estimated outcome
* find out overlappings and differences
* try to build up working groups considering this
** maybe a chapter related working group as preparation/supplement for
the session
** maybe a topic related working group to clarify that this is not ony
a chapters' issue
** maybe something completely different

* create the session's composition together with Erik and one of us
and organize it with both "speakers" and a facilitator

* attend the session and participate in the discussions; then extract
the outcomes into the charter

What do you think? Is this worth thinking about at all? Is there any
other way to push the movement roles theme? Maybe I am the only one
facing <s>a problem</ s> something to think about in the schedule. So
every comment is appreciated, even if you think there is no coherence.

Regards, Alice.

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