I am sorry for not being able to participate more actively in the movement roles group last months. I hope I can be more active soon.

I want express my thanks to Samuel and Huggett for continuing working in the movement roles. I think they have done a good job without many aid from the rest of us.

From the beginning I have seen that this process is very big and complex and if we want to do everything simultaneously this will never end.

I think the only way to end with good results is doing steps forward and applying the Wiki style. Be bold and go ahead improving Wikimedia. If there are some step where people don’t agree don’t worry then we will have participation and discussion and by sure we will reach a final consensus but if we do nothing people will continue not participating and we will become the most conservative movement in history.

I fear that if we put on the table a draft Charter written by movement roles group and ask for participation to improve it we will get no answers. Unfortunately we have long experience in this.

But if we have a quite good charter approved by the board then we can have two scenarios. Perhaps almost nobody says anything and everybody accepts it because everybody sees it reflects pretty well the movement values we share. If this is the case we have a charter and we have done a step further. But perhaps the approved charter raises a lot of discussion and comments and we end consensuating an improved charter. In this case we also end with a step further and an even better result.

In summary than you to those of you who have been more active then me for doing the job and for being bold.