Thank you, Austin.  Looking forward to meeting you soon. :)

Yours sincerely,

Anirudh Bhati

00 91 9328712208
Skype: anirudhsbh

On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 7:20 PM, Austin Hair <> wrote:
Hi all,

In preparation for this weekend's meeting, there are a few things that
warrant individual review—so we can all start on the same page, as it

Although it hasn't changed in a while, for reference, the agenda can
be found at <>.

A primary focus, and the one that needs immediate feedback, is on the
tough topics, being compiled at
<>.  Please add to
that page as you see fit; I imagine (hope?) it will be frequently
edited up to (and probably throughout) the meeting.

If you need reading material on the journey to Frankfurt, there were
some great interviews conducted over the past few months:

* Targeted interviews about our initial questions
are collected at <>,
along with a couple of self-completed responses at

* Jon interviewed representatives of a few organizations thought to
have some insight
<>, and his
bullet points are a concise and easy read.

And finally, there's a collection of assorted background material
linked from the meta page
<> as well as the
index page on the movement roles wiki

Looking forward to seeing everyone this weekend,


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