Agree with Lodewijk - I think a longer email + summary would be useful to increase participation.

On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 5:21 PM, Lodewijk <> wrote:
Hi Jon,

I think a longer email would very much be welcome. Arne sent some
emails to explain the working group over half a year ago, and most
people will have forgotten that. Let alone that in that time boards
have changed, chapters have been added etc. So I suggest to at least
spend two paragraphs on the importance of this working group and why
we want to involve the chapters here. Referring to a webpage for that
kind of information is most of the times not very effective.

A short summary of the meeting (fruitful, no decisions but rather
drafting a path forward and initializing discussions - along those
lines) would I believe also be very helpful. Some kind of trigger to
motivate people to actually open the link you send :)



2011/2/9 Jon Huggett <>:
> Thanks, SJ, and hi to all!
> I've added to the raw notes on meta the interview reflections
> As per our IRC agreement on Friday to give everyone 24 hours to review this,
> I'll wait before sending out an email pointing to this page to internal-l
> and foundation-l.
> If anyone is interested, the text I'm planning on using is short: "Hi
> everybody.  The movement roles workgroup wants to let you know that we had a
> very productive working weekend in Frankfurt, and are working on a charter
> and recommendations to share at Wikimania in Haifa.  If you would like to
> know more there is a full account of the meeting on meta [link], along a
> full description of our work.  We are looking forward to discussing this
> with the community over the coming months."  Any improvements welcome!
> Cheers
> Jon
> Jon Huggett
> +44-795-278-0688
> +1-415-465-2700
> Skype jon.huggett
> On 2011 Feb 8, at 18:57 , Samuel Klein wrote:
> Dear MR*,
> I hope this finds you all well and looking forward to this Year of the
> Hare.  With help from Lodewijk, I have prettified and published our
> notes:
> I believe we all have more work to do on the tough topics we adopted:
> I also added section names and shared Alice's work:
> And shared a simplified uncolored version of the matrix, along with
> our longer summarized topic list:
> This seemed like the least-controversial subset of the matrix work:
> If everyone is comfortable sharing our colorization directly, perhaps
> we can directly swap in the colored version for the black-and-white.
> However, we may want to do this separately with more explicit context
> and explanation, as Delphine has suggested, including
> - what it means when a row is all green; how to improve on that
> - how to designate disagreements about color; what they mean
> - how to distinguish between "current status" and "ideal status in
> the movement we are imagining together"
> Regards,
> SJ
> *  PS - can we be the Movement Roles Official Work-Regiment?  It would
> be much more fun to say.
> On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 11:14 AM, Austin Hair <> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I just wanted to briefly recap the work we've planned for this week,
> post some relevant links, and generally give a helpful nudge in the
> right direction for the goals we've set. You can look forward to me
> doing this at least once a week; try to resist the urge to add me to
> your e-mail blacklists. :)
> The not-yet-distilled timeline[0] sketched out at the Frankfurt
> meeting has two main goals for the coming week:
> * An overview with some context for the raw etherpad notes, the whole
> of it being transcluded to meta. Jon is waiting for this for his
> e-mails to the lists, and the deadline we set was today. Sj, Lodewijk,
> I see some work on the wiki—are you guys in touch and still on track
> for this?
> * Our first weekly topic for discussion, to go out on 10 February, is
> the roles matrix. Delphine and Anirudh are the leads for this, with
> Sj, Barry, Alice, Jon, and whatever support I can give. I know that
> Del sent an e-mail last week and created a placeholder page[1] for the
> work; I wikified the raw matrix and put it on a subpage[2] of the
> meeting page, and Alice started wikifying our cloud[3] (apparently
> with the assistance of an anonymous trainee).
> Finally, while the deadline isn't this week, we're shooting for a
> solid table of contents for the charter by 18 February. I've started a
> page[4] which currently contains the relevant notes from the etherpad
> and a link to the list of charter topics[5] on meta; my hope is to
> have some structure by this Friday's meeting, so anyone with some time
> to help sketch things out is welcome/encouraged/requested/begged to do
> so.
> Sorry for the somewhat lengthy e-mail—I tried to be brief, but there's
> a ton of work to be done.
> Cheers,
> Austin
> [0]
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
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