Hi again, all.  

Our next IRC chat is this Friday 4th March at 1100 UTC.  As usual, the meeting will be held on irc.freenode.net in #wikimedia-roles.  If you don't have a favorite IRC client, by now, you can join via http://webchat.freenode.net/

The draft agenda on meta [1] is growing, so it could be quite a busy chat.  A key item will be the draft charter, which is beginning to take shape. [2]

Arne, Galio and Lodewijk  – please could you link any material for discussion to your item on the agenda page?  If there is nothing to discuss this week on your item, could you move your item to the agenda for the chat next week? [3]

Please can you let us know whether or not you will join us?



[1] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Movement_roles_project/Working_group_meeting_2011-3-4
[2] http://movementroles.wikimedia.org/wiki/Charter
[3] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Movement_roles_project/Working_group_meeting_2011-3-11

Jon Huggett 
Skype jon.huggett