Hi Samuel,

on this list and in this working group (as far as I know) nothing truely happened since some months ago. I am a bit (positively/negatively? not sure yet) surprised that things are still moving, and am actually quite unsure whether this movement charter is actually supported at a movement wide level. We envisioned some kind of final vote by all chapters on it and all other outcomes, each individually agreeing on it (although I still have the feeling that more discussion would have been nice, but it may not be so, unfortunately, that the chapters have enough attention for this during the discussion phase. 

I am slightly worried by the fact that quite a lot changes happened in the last days - and no significant time (or time at all, since this message didn't reach them) was given to the chapters to review it /before/ the board does. If they decide to disagree with some points or even whole concepts, it would unavoidably mean yet another clash between the Foundation and the chapters. 

I can't help but feel that as a working group, we failed because we have not been able to reach the level of involvement we were looking for. 


No dia 7 de Outubro de 2011 02:57, Samuel Klein <meta.sj@gmail.com> escreveu:
Dear working group,

Inputs from Wikimania and feedback shared since then have been combined into a summary set of recommendations to the Board:

The charter in particular has been cleaned up:

And a draft Chapters Council proposal is quite far along:

Your reviews and comments on the above would be welcome. 

The Board will review the recommendations to them, at a high level, at this weekend's meeting.   More public announcements and discussion will follow.


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