Why are you picking and choosing from the group now?

I have to say I am very surprised to see Achal still included in the group, after virtually no involvement in the group in the past year. Not to mention some conflicts with Goma. 

Sj, what happened to opening the group and everything up? This in my view is a step in the other direction.


On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 11:16 PM, Bishakha Datta <bishakhadatta@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear all,

A quick update on New Models of Affiliation for the Wikimedia Movement since the publication of the board letter on 13 Feb. The letter is at http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_affiliation_models. From the emails responding to this, SJ and I extracted a number of relevant questions that are slowly being discussed on the talk page.

A small informal working group is aiming to move this discussion forward in the next 15 days. We are:

Bence Damakos - ChapCom
Bishakha Datta - WMF Board
Joan Goma - Amical
Sam Klein - WMF Board
Delphine Menard - WM DE, ChapCom
Achal Prabhala - ChapCom advisor
Marcos Talles - WM ES
Galileo Vidoni - WM AR

Our aim is to discuss and progressively fine-tune the draft proposal on New Models of Affiliation for the Wikimedia Movement. Each of the members is already part of this  discussion, has expressed a deeper interest in the issue, or is likely to be affected by it. 

We will conduct our discussions on meta at http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Talk:Wikimedia_affiliation_models as per the following timetable:

2.1 Affiliation models, names, and overlaps
Deadline to add our comments and additional questions to this section: 2 March

2.2 Requirements for recognition
Deadline to add our comments, more questions to this section: 4 March

2.3  Rights and duties 
Deadline for our comments and questions: 6 March

It would help us immensely if any of you with an interest in this issue would participate in the meta discussion as per the time-table above. (Broken into bite-sized pieces to ensure we can focus on smaller bits; the whole thing is a lot to chew off at once). I will continue to announce the smaller bits at the start of each to stimulate participation - and get back next week on steps after 14 March.

We hope this will help us develop the New Models of Affiliation draft proposal into a solid set of recommendations and look forward to your interest and participation. 


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