On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 7:23 PM, Béria Lima <berialima@gmail.com> wrote:
And the rest of MR working group?

Hi Beria,

It would help us immensely if any of you with an interest in this issue would participate in the meta discussion as per the time-table above. (Broken into bite-sized pieces to ensure we can focus on smaller bits; the whole thing is a lot to chew off at once). I will continue to announce the smaller bits at the start of each to stimulate participation - and get back next week on steps after 14 March.

We hope this will help us develop the New Models of Affiliation draft proposal into a solid set of recommendations and look forward to your interest and participation. 

I think the last two paragraphs from Bishakha's letter captures the intent quite well. Everyone is welcome to join in, especially those on the MR group. It is not meant to be exclusionary in any way.

Best regards,