
Mike is right, of course.  The reason the survey is multiple choice is that that is a MINIMUM to begin with.  The MR group thought that an open-question survey would get even fewer respondents and would be near useless.  It took Sue 2.5 _days_ to come up with her own answers to the open questions she had been asked.

We certainly DO NOT expect you to speak for your chapter, and I tried to make it clear in my phrasing.  Personal opinion is certainly the default.

I do hope to later on send an open-question survey, and in general we hope more of you have gotten interested in the MR work.  We really need all the input we can possibly collect.

Thanks for taking the time!

    Asaf (on behalf of the MR group)

On Sat, Mar 26, 2011 at 6:33 PM, Michael Peel <michael.peel@wikimedia.org.uk> wrote:
10 minutes later, and I thoroughly disagree with this being a simple multi-choice survey. :-) There are lots of times when "other" needs to be filled in, which takes time. Expecting all chapters/chapter reps to fill it in during the meeting (especially if you're asking for an "official" chapter response) is impractical. I've submitted a response (on a personal basis), but please don't view it as a complete summary of my views here...

Can I suggest that an invitation to comment on the movement roles, with a series of open questions (along the line of that which Sue has replied to), is sent to each chapter so that chapters can provide 'official' input at some point in the near future?


On 26 Mar 2011, at 17:20, Asaf Bartov wrote:

> Dear WMCON participants.  There are more than 50 of us here, and yet only 15 of us have taken a few minutes to answer the (multiple-choice! simple!) survey for the Movement Roles process.
> Perhaps now you know a little more about the questions of Movement Roles and would agree to help us by sharing your opinions?
> https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dHFGSEljVlBjUDlOdVZPWGV6TmRkaGc6MQ
> *Please* make time to fill the survey.  Thanks!
>     Asaf
> On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 3:30 PM, Asaf Bartov <asaf.bartov@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello, WMCON participants.
> Please help the Movement Roles working group by taking this short multiple-choice survey:
> https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dHFGSEljVlBjUDlOdVZPWGV6TmRkaGc6MQ
> Results are public, but this survey is intended for chapter members only.  We'll be publishing a separate survey publicly, on foundation-l and Meta etc.
> Many thanks!
>    Asaf
> --
> Asaf Bartov <asaf.bartov@gmail.com>
> --
> Asaf Bartov <asaf.bartov@gmail.com>
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Asaf Bartov <asaf.bartov@gmail.com>