Hi Jon,

Unfortunately I cannot make it this week; I have a minor role  in an Estonian puppet play at the university Christmas party at that time.

Best regards,

On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 6:00 PM, Jon Huggett <jon.huggett@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi again

We're looking forward to our next IRC chat this Friday 17rd December at 1500 UTC.

The three items we would like to discuss this week are

1) Encouraging participation on the blog and wiki, following up from the discussion and suggestions from 3rd December.  For example, should we reflect the discussion this week on internal-l sparked by the emails from Milos and Lodewijk?

2) One-on-one interviews.  We've already completed more than half a dozen interviews, with more planned and scheduled.  How are the interviews going, and who else shall we seek out?

3) Any housekeeping items to prepare for our meeting in person in Frankfurt at the end of January.

As usual, the meeting will be held on irc.freenode.net in #wikimedia-roles.  If you don't have a favorite IRC client, by now, you can join via http://webchat.freenode.net/

Please can you let us know whether or not you will join us?


Arne, Austin & Jon

Jon Huggett 
Skype jon.huggett

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