Yes, I do.  Am sitting in the main conference.

Jon Huggett 
Skype jon.huggett

On 2011 Mar 25, at 10:16 , Austin Hair wrote:

On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 10:06 AM, Arne Klempert <> wrote:
I made a few changes to the introduction slides (and moved the last
slide to the end of the presentation). Please incorporate any changes
into this version and make sure that it is ready to start for the
plenary session.

The new slides definitely didn't import correctly into OOo—does anyone
with a copy of PowerPoint have a few minutes to help me finalize this,
once we get the piece for new models?

Galileo, Sj: I haven't heard from you guys about this since last
night, and we present in less than two hours. There might be some
confusion about who's putting the chart together, but can you please
sort it out right away? I don't even have the original to do it
